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Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos Islands
Hotel Villa Laguna
Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos Islands Hotel Villa Laguna
Quartos de reserva

Sobre a propriedade

Located in one of the best areas of the city, Hotel Villa Laguna is a cozy and safe, retreat that offers to its guests a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere to ensure a pleasant stay.

We offer different types of accommodation, suitable for guests who seek tranquility, excellent service and constant attention. We have single, double and triple rooms, with individual bath rooms with all amenities included, and according to your preference.

Hotel Villa Laguna is part of a family business that was born from the vision of expansion that Luis Enrique Ayala Carrera one of the early settlers and pioneers of the tourism in the Galapagos Islands, instilled in their children. Villa Laguna opened its doors in 2009, and its roots go back at the end of the 1960s when Mr. Luis Ayala changed their fishing activities to tourism starting cruises with scientists, then built the yacht Aida Maria. Yacht Aida Maria and Villa Laguna are now led by the Dr. Aida Maria Ayala who has managed to strengthen both businesses in terms of sustainability and culture of service and maintain impeccable trajectory of the family in its operation in the Galapagos Islands, which is synonymous with honesty, safety and comfort.

Principais serviços

Ar condicionado
Bar / Snack-bar junto à piscina
Serviços incluídos
Bar / Snack-bar junto à piscina
Internet gratuita
Ar condicionado

* Alguns serviços podem ser cobrados à parte.

Informações sobre a área

Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos Islands, Equador

O que há nas proximidades

  • Rancho El Chato - 12.23 km

Como se deslocar

  • (GPS) Galapagos, Seymour, EC - 33,01 km