Israel, Jordan and Egypt Nile Jewels (2025)
From US$5,125

Israel, Jordan and Egypt Nile Jewels (2025)

holiday package
Created: Monday, October 21, 2024
Ref ID: 12118876
price per person From
Based on 2 adults
Total Price
Created: Monday, October 21, 2024

Day 1: Tel aviv

Arrival at the airport, assistance and transfer to the hotel. Accommodation.

Day 2: Tel aviv - Cesarea - Haifa - Saint john of acre - Nazareth

Breakfast. Departure from the city of Tel Aviv bordering the Mediterranean Sea until reaching Yaffo, old port of Israel, today an artists´ quarter. Visit of the Church of Saint Peter. Continue along the coast to CAESAREA, ancient Roman capital, where we will visit its Theater, the Fortress’ Wall of the Crusaders and the Roman Aqueduct. We will continue our journey to the city of HAIFA, we will go up Mount Carmel, where the Grotto of the Prophet Elijah is located and observe the Bahai Temple and its Persian Gardens, and there we will have a panoramic view of the city and the port. Continue to SAINT JOHN OF ACRE (Akko), capital of the Crusaders, visiting the medieval fortresses. Arrival in NAZARETH. Dinner included. Accommodation.

Day 3: Nazareth

Breakfast. We will begin the day with a boat trip on the Sea of Galilee. We will continue to visit MAGDALA, where we will see remains of the town and its Synagogue, and we will visit the modern Church. Later, we will visit the MOUNT OF THE BEATITUDES, where "The Sermon on the Mount" took place. Arrival at TABGHA, place of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. Visit of CAPERNAUM where the House of Saint Peter and the ruins of the old Synagogue are located. Return to Nazareth. Dinner included and accommodation.NOTE: The boat trip on the Sea of Galilee may be the next day.

Day 4: Nazareth - Mount precipice - Cana of galilee - River jordan - Judea desert - Jerusalem

Breakfast. In the morning visit of the city of Nazareth we will visit the Church of the Annunciation, the Carpentry of Saint Joseph, and the Fountain of the Virgin. Continuation to the MOUNT OF THE PRECIPICE, from where we can admire a beautiful panoramic view of Nazareth and its surroundings. We will continue the day with the visit of CANA OF GALILEE, where the first Miracle of Jesus took place. In the afternoon departure to Jerusalem through the Jordan River Valley, bordering the oasis of Jericho, where we will enjoy a panoramic view of the Mount of Temptation and the Dead Sea. Ascent through the Judean desert and entrance to Jerusalem, a messenger city of peace, cradle of the three great Cosmopolitan religions. Accommodation.

Day 5: Jerusalem

Breakfast. Excursion to visit the New City of Jerusalem, seeing the Shrine of the Book in the Museum of Israel, where the Dead Sea Scrolls are displayed, and the model that represents the city of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus. We will go through the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, then going toward Ein Karen, a picturesque neighborhood on the outskirts of the city to visit the Shrine of Saint John the Baptist. We will also see Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum and Memorial. In the afternoon, we will travel to BETHLEHEM, located behind the wall built in recent years to separate the two communities. We will take a Palestinian guide to visit the Church of the Nativity, the Grotto of the Manger and the Shepherds’ Field. Return to Jerusalem and accommodation.

Day 6: Jerusalem

We include a visit to the old city of Jerusalem. Excursion by Mount Scopus toward the Mount of Olives. There is an extraordinary view of the walled Holy City from the top. We then continue to Gethsemane, the Basilica of the Agony. Departure toward the Old City. Visit to the Western Wall (Wailing Wall). We will continue along the Via Dolorosa to arrive at Calvary, the place where Christ was crucified, and to see the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. We then go onward to Mount Zion to visit the Tomb of King David, the Cenacle (Hall of the Last Supper) and the Abbey of the Dormition. Accommodation in Jerusalem.

Day 7: Jerusalem - Sheikh hussein bridge - Jerash - Amman

Breakfast. Early departure to border of Israel and Jordan. Arrival at Sheik Hussein Bridge to complete border and visa procedures. Welcome to Jordan! We explore the FORTRESS OF AJLUN, an imposing castle dating back to the 12th century. In this area, Muslims and Orthodox Christians have always lived together. We visit the historic CHURCH OF SAINT SERGIUS. Shall we all pray for peace? Lunch included. We continue to JERASH to visit its impressive Roman archaeological site. We then travel to AMMAN. Arrival and accommodation.NOTE: The Sheik Hussein border must be crossed on a special bus for this purpose. This costs around $3 per person, which must be paid directly by the passengers themselves.IMPORTANT NOTE: There are customs regulations upon arrival in JORDAN that prohibit the entry of religious objects. These objects can be withdrawn from the passenger without prior notice and without any compensation. Europamundo is not responsible if this happens.FEES: Each country requires an entry/exit fee that passengers must pay directly at their destination. For guidance purposes, these are the fees/visa fees that may apply (prices subject to change without notice): Israel: $32 (Departure Fee to Jordan); Jordan: 40 dinars/$60 (Sheik Hussein Border visa).

Day 8: Amman - Madaba - Amman

We will depart towards the CASTLES OF THE DESERT, built between the 7th and 8th centuries. We will visit QASR KHARANA, with its imposing structure of thick walls and the QUSAYR AMRA World Heritage Site, notable for its remarkable frescoes. Then, we travel to MADABA, lunch is included. We will visit the Madaba Archaeological Park, which we cross via an ancient Roman road, and the Church of St. George, with its fantastic 6th Century mosaic representing the oldest known map of the Holy Land. We continue to MOUNT NEBO, where Moses stopped to look over the Promised Land. Return to Amman. Arrival and free time.

Day 9: Amman - Bethany - Dead sea

We leave for BETHANY on the banks of the River Jordan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site; this is where John the Baptist baptised Jesus. Then we visit the DEAD SEA MUSEUM, which an impressive Panorama Complex. Lunch is included. Arriving at our hotel at the DEAD SEA, do not forget to take a dip in the saltiest sea and lowest altitude on earth. Dinner and accommodation included.

Day 10: Dead sea - Shoubak - Petra

Exciting section in the heart of Jordan. We ascend to the historic King´s Road, which tells us about the Moab Kingdom of the Bible. At the top of a hill we will be surprised by the castle of KARAK (entrance included), an impressive example of military architecture of the twelfth century. It soon became one of the most important fortresses between Jerusalem and Aqaba. Arrival at DANA, a small picturesque town of stone houses on a huge cliff. Lunch is included. We continue along the King´s Route to SHOBAK, where we take photographs (outside only) of the great Crusader Castle. We continue to WADI MUSA (the site around Petra). We will explore the MOSES SPRING, where Moses is said to have tapped the rock with his rod and the water gushed out, and the Petra Museum, an excellent exhibition that enables us to learn about the history of the Nabateans and to see magnificent pieces found in the area. Dinner (included)and accommodation. Any travelers who wish can go to an old Turkish bath or see a light and sound show in Petra.

Day 11: Petra - Wadi rum

Today we have the most exciting day of the trip: First, we visit the impressive archaeological site of PETRA, which is accessed through a narrow canyon, and discover the temples and tombs excavated on the cliffs in this city that was founded 300 years before Christ. After lunch (included) we leave for the impressive desert of WADI RUM. At the Visitor Centre we board 4x4 vehicles to visit some of the most impressive landscapes. We stop in the town of RUM to visit the ruins of the Nabatean temple. We include a 45-minute camel ride through the desert. We will also visit the Khazali Canyon. In this spectacular place, we will see the engravings that reveal the origins of the Arabic language. Dinner and accommodation included in a desert camp.

Day 12: Wadi rum - Aqaba

After breakfast we will leave for AQABA, Jordan’s second city. We will visit Jordan’s second city, a modern, commercial port city. Afternoon free to enjoy the hotel-resort and the warm waters of the Red Sea!

Day 13: Aqaba - Amman - Cairo

After breakfast we will depart via “the desert road” to the AMMAN airport. Arrival. We will take a flight to Egypt for a little over an hour. Arrival at CAIRO. Border procedures and transfer to the hotel. Free time. Note: Depending on the number of travelers, the trip from Aqaba to Amman airport may be made by regular VIP coach.

Day 14: Cairo

Full day visit where we explore the famous Pyramids of Cheops, Kefren and Micerinos (tickets to go inside the pyramids are not included), and also the impressive Sphinx, which is sculpted from rock. Visit to the Egyptian Museum with its ancient art and where the treasure of the Lost Tomb of Tutankhamen is kept. Lunch included. Citadel of Saladin and the Alabaster Mosque. We will take a walk through the Coptic neighborhood where we visit the Hanging Church built above a Roman fortress.

Day 15: Cairo - Luxor

Breakfast. Transfer from Cairo hotel to the airport and flight included to LUXOR. Arrival and transfer to the cruise, boarding and accommodation. Full board on the cruise. Visit impressive set of temples of Luxor and Karnak. Accommodation on board.

Day 16: Luxor - Esna

Today you will be able to admire the Necropolis of Thebes, visiting the famous VALLEY OF THE KINGS, where are hidden the tombs of the main pharaohs. Composed of several rooms and corridors that lead to the burial chambers, are among others, Ramses III, Seti I and Amenhotep II. You will also visit the Colossae of Memnon, two impressive statues of Amenophis II, as well as the Temple of Queen Hatsepsut (Deir el Bahari) and the Temple of Medinet Habu. During this day we can enjoy the beauty of the Nile riverbanks. You could do different activities on the boat and at evening enjoy the music at the disco. Full board. Night on board, navigating to ESNA.

Day 17: Esna - Edfu - Kom ombo - Aswan

Arrival to EDFU and visit the Temple of Horus (God represented by a Falcon), which in the past was partially covered by lime during the periodic flooding of the river Nile. The rescue and restoration work complete, we now have one of the most beautiful temples of Ptolemaic times, in an exceptional state of preservation. Navigation to KOM OMBO. Visit the Temple of Kom Ombo, the only temple dedicated to two gods, Sobek and Haroesis, where we find a Nilometer (former system for measuring the level of the Nile River) and a mummified crocodile. During the evening you will be able to enjoy the Chilaba’s party, local typical outfit (on route you could economically acquire them at local markets). Full board. Accommodation on board, navigating to ASWAN.

Day 18: Aswan

Arrival to ASWAN. Possibility of getting the optional tour to Abu Simbel (visit NOT included in the itinerary), located two hundred and eighty kilometers from Aswam, visit the western desert and the temples carved on the cliff by Ramses II during the twelfth century BC, with 20 meters high statues, dedicated to the god Amon Ra, and the Temple of Nefertari, dedicated to the goddess Hathor. Visit the Red Granite quarry where is the famous 41 meters high Unfinished Obelisk. We will also visit the Aswan Dam, one of the largest in the world, which created Lake Nasser with a length of more than 500 km. We will visit the beautiful Temple of Philae dedicated to the goddess Isis and located on a small island that can only be accessed by boat. In the afternoon, a felucca cruise on the Nile, typical sailing boats in the area, heading to the island of Kitchener where the Botanical Garden is located. Full board. Accommodation on board.

Day 19: Aswan - Cairo

Breakfast. Transfer to the airport to take the plane to Cairo (flight included). Arrival to CAIRO airport and transfer to the hotel. During the evening, visit the Light and Sound Show at the Giza Pyramids. Accommodation.

Day 20: Cairo

After breakfast, transfer to the airport and end of our services.



Tener en cuenta que en algunos destinos los impuestos hoteleros y locales no están incluidos en la tarifa y se tienen que pagar a la llegada. PERU: // El impuesto de servicio lo determinara cada hotel en sus vouchers y en algunos casos se tiene que pagar en destino. // El impuesto del 18% es obligatorio para todos los hoteles y no está incluido en las tarifas, los pasajeros peruanos o con residencia de 90 dias o mas deben pagar el impuesto de acuerdo a la ley

price per person From
Based on 2 adults
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This idea includes
Destinations 23
Accommodations 3
Tours 1
Tour summary
Guide languages
  • Europamundo General Services: Travel by bus with Spanish speaking guide, basic travel insurance, hotel and breakfast buffet.
  • Includes arrival transfer
  • Includes departure transfer
  • City tour in: Nazareth, JERUSALEM, CAIRO
  • Excursion: Magdala, Mount Beatitudes, Tabgha and Capernaum, Bethlehem , 4x4 vehicles, camel rides , Valley of the Kings, Colossi of Memnon , Sound and Light Show at the Pyramids of Giza
  • Boat: Boat trip on the Sea of Galilee., Ship Temple of Philae, sailing boats felucca
  • Ticket admission: Church of Saint Peter, Arqueological Site , Crusader Fortress , Archaeological site of Magdala, Mount of Beatitudes, Church of Tabgha, House of Saint Peter and ruins of the ancient synagogue in Capernaum , Church of the Annunciation, Saint Joseph´s Carpentry Workshop and the Fountain of the Virgin. , Precipice Mount , Church of Cana of Galilee , River Jordan valley , Book in the Museum of Israel, Holocaust Museum and Memorial, Church of the Nativity, in Bethlehem , Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Tomb of King David, Cenacle (Hall of the Last Supper), Abbey of the Dormiton , Fortress and Church of Saint Sergius in Ajlun, Archaeological site in Jerash; , Castle of Qasr Kharana and Castle of Qusayr Amra in Castles of the Dessert; , Church of St. George, Madaba Archaeological Park , Arqueological Site , Dead Sea Museum and Panorama Complex , Kerak castle , Moses Springs and Petra Museum , Arqueological Site , Visitor Centre, 4x4 vehicles and camel rides , Pyramids of Cheops, Kefren and Micerinos, Egyptian Museum, Citadel of Saladin and the Alabaster Mosque, the Hanging Church Coptic neighbourhood , Temples of Luxor and Karnak , Necropolis of Thebas, Valley of the Kings, Colossi of Memnon, Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Medinet Habu , Temple of Horus , Temple of Kom Ombo , Red Granite Quarry and Unfinished Obelisk, Philae Temple, Aswan Dam
  • Flights included: Amman - Cairo, Cairo-Luxor , Aswan-Cairo
  • 10 Lunch included in: JERASH, Madaba, Dead Sea, SHOUBAK, PETRA, CAIRO, Luxor, Luxor, Kom Ombo, Aswan
  • 9 dinner included in: Nazareth, Nazareth, Dead Sea, PETRA, WADI RUM, Luxor, Esna, Aswan, Aswan

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